part of Fectio features a growing
section of articles about Late Roman material.
Here can be found articles about the sources, use
and construction.
image shows the surviving cast of the funeral
stone of Lepontius. This Late Roman soldier most
probably belonged to the 8th Legion and was
stationed at Strasbourg.
How to make...
How to make ...
a Scutum
This page is about making a
basic item, the shield or scutum.
We show here the construction of a flat
shield, stage by stage.
(23 pictures).

More to come...
review of Stuart Laycock: Britannia
- The Failed State: Tribal Conflicts and
the End of Roman Britain, The History
Press Ltd (2008).

The Scholae
An article about
the Late Roman elite units who succeeeded
the Praetorian guard as palace guards and
elite units in the field.

Arrian and the 'kontos'
An article about
the possible weapon used by Arrian's
heavy legionary infantry in his 2nd-c.

Testing Plumbatae
An article about
testing the plumbata. Tests of 3
different types in 2007.
(9 pictures).

Testing Plumbatae (2)
An article about
testing the plumbata. Tests of a
different type in 2011.
(13 pictures).

The Late Roman Draco
An article about
this Late Roman battle standard with a
lot of images of and quotes from the
(41 pictures).

Who wants to be.. a
Late Roman?
An article about my reasons to
do late Roman re-enactment, and the
differences with the usual Romans.
Published in: Echoes from the past, vol.
8, October 2003.

More to come...