Welcome to Fectio, part of
the Vortigern Studies websites. Fectio is a Late
Roman re-enactment group, based in The
Netherlands and attempting to re-create a
soldiers 'life in the times of Vortigern. Edited
by Robert
M. Vermaat. |
...........Fectio Index


about Roman re-enactment, from the Principate to the
Dominate and the Dark Ages. Some links are to interesting
non-re-enactment sites. For non-Roman groups look here.
Roman and Germanic re-enactment groups and websites (3rd-6th
- Batavi (UK)
A small, friendly group who re-enact
military and civilian life in the 4th to
6th centuries A.D. The military
activities are based around the Batavi
Iuniores, a Late Roman army unit
which arrived in Britain in 360 A.D. and
returned in 367 A.D. to form part of the
mobile field army until the end of Roman
rule in Britain.
- Britannia (UK)
The oldest UK society when it comes to
fifth-century Arhurian re-enactment in
Britain. Run by Dan Shadrake, well-known
from movies and television. Their shield
design represents a unit called the Legio
Secunda Britannia, which developed
from the famous Legio II Augusta.
- Cohors I Gallica
A Late Roman group from Spain, formed by
a group of archaeologists who work at the
Late Roman town of Iruna/Veleia. Their
shield design represents a unit called
the Equites Primi Gallicani, a
vexillation of the Gallic field army.
- Cohors V Gallorum
(UK) and the Arbeiea Society
third century Roman re-enactment society
based at the Roman fort of Arbeia at
South Shields. The group recreates
both the military and civilian life of
the early third century (around 230 AD).
This period is neither early or late
empire and reflects the changes which
occurred from the late second to the late
third century in the clothes, equipment,
weapons and personal belongings of the
soldiers and civilians.
- Comitatus (UK)
is a UK Late Roman re-enactment group.
The group portrays both the
Praesidiensis infantry unit, as well
as brilliant displays of the Taifali cavalry.
- Contubernium (GE)
A German group, portraying a group of
Ripuarian Franks in Roman service during
the 5th century. They represent the
period in which the Roman army is
gradually vanishing and Rome's influence
is waning.
- Foederati (F)
A French group, portraying life in Gaul
during the 5th century. Their shield
design represents a unit called the Celtae
Seniores, an auxilia palatina unit
from the Italian field army.
- Pontinenses (GE)
A German group showing the development of
the Celts, Romans and Bavarians around
Rosenheim. Their late 3rd c. unit is
called the Limitanea Pontaenenses,
a limitanei unit.
- Legio II Italica
The Legio II Italica group are Roman re-enactors
based in Bavaria, southern Germany. They
reconstruct the equipment and lives of
soldiers based at Lauricium (Enns-Lorch)
on the upper Danube frontier, not just in
200AD but in the 2nd, 3rd and even 4th
- Legio Herculiani
Iuniores (F)
A very active Franco-Belgian group,
portraying life during the 4th century.
Their shield design represents a unit
called the Herculiani Iuniores, a
comitatenses unit of the Eastern field
- Legio Herculiani
Seniores (I)
A large multi-period Italian group (Storinsubria),
who also organise a Late Roman event in
or around Milan. Their shield design
represents a unit called the Herculiani
seniores, a comitatenses unit of the
Western field army.
- Legio III Italica
A Swiss-German group, portraying both
military (Legio Tertiani) as
well as Alamannic civilian life (Sih
Frewen) in the Roman province as well as
Germanic lands.
- Legio Septimani
Seniores (E)
A Catalan group, part of the Legio I Germanica, who specialise in
the Late Roman period. Their shield
design represents a unit called the Septimani
seniores, a comitatenses unit from
the Hispanic field army under the Comes
- Letavia (F)
A Breton group, who show the 5th century
from the point of view of the Seguntienses,
a Late Roman unit from North Wales,
transferred to Gaul.
- Lusoria Project (GE)
A brilliant German project of re-creating
a Late Roman Lusoria, a fast river vessel.
- The Roman recruit is Gaius
Fortunatus (Paul Elliott), a Roman
soldier serving with the Sixth Legion in
Roman York. in 210 AD. The site details
the story of his life, his daily routine,
his weapons and equipment, what he eats,
where he sleeps and where he's been.
- Timetrotter (GE)
A famous German cavalry group who reenact
several periods, including the Late Roman
- ASK (GE)
The Alamannisch-Suebische
Kulturdarstellung are a German group
portraying the Alamanni from the 2nd to 7th
c. AD.
- Combrogi (UK)
Combrogi recreate the
society of Britain during the period
between the Roman withdrawal and the
Norman Invasion 400 to 1066 AD, but they
also do primarily Late Roman.
- Lentienser (GE)
A German group, portraying Alamannic
farmer-warriors of the period up to 600
- Raetovarier (GE)
A German group, portraying life of the
Alamannic sub-tribe the Raetovarii.
- Teuxandrii (NL)
A Dutch multiperiod reenactment/living
history group, which atempts to
demonstrate daily life from 100 before to
- Ulfhednar (GE/P)
A famous German-Polish group, also
portraying life of the Alamanni between
350 and 500.
- Ulfinger (GE)
A German group, portraying cavalry of the
Celts, Late Antique Germans and
- Winniler (I)
An Italian group, portraying the
Longobardi (Lombards) from the 1st to 7th
- Wulfingas (UK)
English society portraying life and war
in early Anglo-Saxon England between 450-550
Roman forums
Roman groups
The mother
site of the forum. Database full of images of
modern groups but also the largest collection of
military gravestones.
The Roman legions
A very nice part of the great website of Jona
Lendering, with a chronological as well as an
alphabetical catalogue of most Roman legions,
each with a (short) history.
LRGG Corbulo
is a Dutch group of enthousiastic re-enactors. By
doing project in Living History at schools,
museums, at historical digs and in themeparks
they mean to show how history can come alive.
Pax Romana
is a Dutch reenactment society that portrays
Roman soldiers of the Cohors XV Volotariom
Civium Romanorum, a group of the Classis
Augusta Germanica (marines of the Rhine
fleet) and Batavian civilians (Civis Batavi),
as they would have appeared in the last quarter
of the first century AD.
XIIII Gemina Martia Victrix, Roman Military
Research Society
A very good
site. The RMRS is a research and re-enactment
group specialising in recreating the Roman Army
and Roman life during the latter part of the
first century A.D., but with offshoots to earlier
and later times.
Legio XX
A very good
site. This recreated Twentieth Legion usually
portrays the legionaries based in Britain in the
mid-first century AD, but auxiliary troops or
legionaries from other eras may also be
represented. The group is based in the
Washington, D.C. area but will accept Associate
Members from anywhere in the world.