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Archeon - Roman Days
Sunday 5 August 2001

All these pictures were shot during a visit to the 2001 Roman Week in ARCHEON. Guests were the Legio II Augusta , as well as the Colchester Society from the UK. I'd never been to this event before and was alerted to it only last-minute, so it turned out as as very nice surprise. Could do with a few merchants, though.
The weather had just cleared up, but it stayed dry for the rest of the day.

Ominous clouds..
Ominous clouds..
Dark Skies over the Empire
Dark Skies over the Empire
Meeting the Locals..
Meeting the Locals..
I just finished this one last Friday..
I just finished this one last friday..
The tides of March?
What's this? The tides of March? Or the Lower Rhine?
Must be why they call this Lower Germany..
Must be why they call this Lower Germany..
Trajectum ad Rhenum
Trajectum ad Rhenum
The colorful Longinus
The colorful Longinus
Preparing for battle.
Preparing for battle.
Who's the pretty one then?
Who's the pretty one then?
One chook crossed the road..
One chook crossed the road..
Two chook's wildlife!
Two chook's wildlife!
Where was that food again?
Where was that food again?
Waiting for battle.
Waiting for battle.
What was it down there?
What was it down there?
Did I tell you about the time they posted me
Did I tell you about the time they posted me
in Africa?
One very proud local (Wim van Broekhoven)
One very proud local (Wim van Broekhoven)
The Colchesters join in
The Colchesters join in
On the march
On the march
In the arena 1
Into the arena 1
In the arena 2
Into the arena 2
Checking the ranks
Checking the ranks
Testudo? Well, -ish..
Pressing Home!
Pressing Home!
Well-plumed cavalry..
..in waiting
..in waiting
Another attack!
Another attack!
Off for home.
Off for home.
The Auxilaries.
The Auxilaries.
The Oath.. A textbook case?
The Oath.. A textbook case?
Here comes the cavalry
Here comes the cavalry
Good show!
Good show!
And..off again.
And..off again.
The Veteran from Camelodunum
The 'Veteran' :-) from Camelodunum
Lucky balls..
Lucky balls..
The Face of Command..
The Face of Command..
Friends.. Romans..
Friends.. Romans..all of them countrymen.
The Tools..
The Tools..
..and the Master (Nodge Nolan)
..and the Master (Nodge Nolan)
The Museum
The local museum
More colorful Roman gear
More colorful Roman gear
Camp Chores
Camp chores
Wanna join the Legions, lad?
Wanna join the Legions, lad?
The Camp
The Camp
Leave your cars outside the columns, please..
Leave your cars outside the columns, please..

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