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Xanten Germany
Wednesday 8th August 2002
Roman Colony
Access for the disabledPaid access to the monument
Roman name: Colonia Ulpia Traiana
Roman Province: Germania Inferior
Country: Germany
Province: Niederachsen
Nearest town: Xanten

Click to enlarge the map.
Map of the site.

Marrit (5) on top of the North or Burginatio gate.
Marrit (5) on top of the North or Burginatio gate.
My fifth visit to the Archeological Park Xanten (APX) in Germany. This time, I showed it to my daughter (5) and my in-laws. A good opportunity to take a few snapshots of the kit as well! I had changed the braccae the day before, removing the blue stripes and painting it black. I wanted to go to the APX for a few pictures all along, and showing the folks around was a good pretext. Actually, the park is a bit too large for a 5 year old, though she enjoyed most of it.

No need to tell you that most other visitors thought I belonged to the APX, and an old lady immediately appraoched me, asking if there were any toilets! When I told her I had not a clue, she appeared a bit shocked.. I had many people asking questions that day, but most of them asked more sensible things, fortunately. Why do people always assume you 'must' be a student earning a bit on the side?
The weather was not good for pictures, with a dark and overcast sky.

Actually, when we arrived at the baths it just cleared up, and I had already changed into civvies again. A good thing, because the temperature jumped to 30șC within minutes.

On top of the gate, looking at the city with the baths in the distance.
On top of the gate, looking at the city with the baths in the distance.
Guardian at the gates..
Guardian at the gates...
Same picture, zoomed in.
Same picture, zoomed in.
They did a very fine job on the beautiful gate!
They did a very fine job on the beautiful gate!
Posing against the skyline of Xanten
Posing against the skyline of Xanten
The imposing city walls of Colonia Ulpia Trajana.
The imposing city walls of Colonia Ulpia Trajana.
The reconstructed baths of Xanten, attempting to look like the real building..
The reconstructed baths of Xanten, attempting to look like the real building..
From the inside, well-preserved remains..
From the inside, well-preserved remains..
..under a roof of steel and glass!
..under a roof of steel and glass!

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