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'Turris' at Fort Vechten
2007By Robert Vermaat
December 22: |
It's the morning of the Winter Solstice! |
Happy Dies Natalis Sol Invictus
everyone! |
The fog has frozen all the world.. |
The tower seen from the road.. |
.. where a footstep can set off an avalanche! |
December 21: |
King Winter attacks the Empire! |
Fog freezes on every available object... |
..including a sturdy watchtower. |
A turris in a frozen landscape. |
December 14: |
Winter sunset over the Limes and the
lands in the North.. |
..which paints the tower in a bloodred light. |
The sun is gone, and all can go to sleep.. That
is, except those who have the first watch! |
December 9: |
Nearly winter, and we had unbelievable blue
skies.. |
..as well as super-long shadows the size of
football fields. |
A wintry sun, sharp silhouettes of bare branches. |
View from the Marsdijk to the turris. |
November 22:
more of the
event. |
A bright morning, the fog still on the fields,
waiting for the schoolkids to arrive. |
Late Roman shadows.. |
Very deep brown and yellows on the trees, bright
greens and browns on the ground and a deep blue
sky! |
Somehow the colours of the Fall can be so much
brighter than those of Spring. |
November 18: |
After the heavy storm of the last days, the
leaves have gone. |
Puddles. |
The Fall has finally arrived with matching
colours.. |
The Marsdijk in the setting sun. |
Horse-land.. |
A panoramic shot looking north from the Marsdijk
to the site of the old Castellum Fectio.. |
October 14:
about our guard on the tower. |
Fectio at the tower for the last guard duty this
year. |
The tent gives the tower that bit extra. |
October 7:
about our guard on the tower. |
There's Romans at the tower! |
Tiberius and Jurjenius from Corbvlo
have guard duty today. |
Jurjenius. |
Again a good day to be guarding the Limes... |
September 23: |
Well, it is Fall, but that sun is still
shining so warm! |
Jippyyyy! |
September 20:
'Roman' day out with the Council of Houten |
With a bus for a grand day out along the Limes.. |
There's a 'camp' for the participants. |
'Romans'! |
Visiting the tower. |
September 8 &
Monument- Weekend
more of the
event. |
The public gathers again to see the Romans. |
Hard gladiator battles still enchant the masses. |
The Roman camp is again the focus of attention
along the Marsdijk. |
Militare armata. |
September 7: |
A warm summer evening, and the first participants
arrive. |
A fantastic sunset over the Limes... |
September 2:
about our guard on the tower. |
Another fine day to be a guard on the Roman
Limes. |
Corbvlo has sent a strong delegation of
three legionaries... |
.. who take turns in demanding passwords and
bribes from passing locals. |
Turris. |
August 26:
about our guard on the tower. |
The summer is still going, but with a lot of
wind. |
We brought our tent for the very first time! |
A good day. |
August 5: |
Finally the summer looks like it should! |
A sunny view from the Marsdijk. |
Basking in the warm sunshine, time to go on
holiday! |
Across the corn. |
July 1: |
The summer is wet and cool.. |
..which means plenty of green. |
June 3:
about our guard on the tower. |
Spring is turning into summer. |
The NE edge of the Roman fort, looking N. |
Corbvlo had taken over the tower. |
May 20: |
The rains had made a difference. |
The flowers had returned, too. |
The grass looked a lot greener! |
May 6:
about our guard on the tower. |
Jeroen at the usual spot. |
Luckily there were still some patches of shade. |
We had great weather that day. |
April 21 &
more of the
event. |
A mixed group of Roman set up camp below the
tower. |
A panorama of the 'plumbata-shootout' in the
field next to the Marsdijk. |
February 8: |
One single day of snow, and the Limes
turns white. |
Snowcone. |
The tower, cleaned of grafitti, in an eerily
empty landscape. |
The kids had their fun throwing snowballs.. |
Icing... |
January 21: |
After the heavy storm of the last days, the tower
still stands. |
Milestone. |
The information table has survived so far, but
not unscathed.. |
The beautiful skies over Houten.. |
Big sky.. |
A panoramic shot looking north from the Marsdijk
to the site of the old Castellum Fectio.. |
January 14: |
Almost sunset on a winter afternoon. |
The Four Towers - no, itīs not a fantasy.. |
January 7: |
Not a good start of the year - wet and windy, and
graffiti defacing the tower... |
Gloomy.. |