Fectio, Late Roman re-enactment society

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Vortigern Studies > Fectio > Fort VechtenNederlands

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The turris of Fectio
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Roman 'Turris' at Fort Vechten

By Robert Vermaat

Panoramic pictures of the tower:
Gallery: 180-degree panoramic spreads of The burgus.
Gallery: 180-degree panoramic spreads of
The turris.

Saturday 15th November 2003, the groundwork was laid for a replica of a Roman watchtower as could be found all along the Limes. This turris or watchtower has now been built between the 19th-century fortress and the field which still covers the remains of the castellum Fectio. The tower was officially opened on May 16th, 2004.
Beautiful colours of the Fall, November 2006.
Beautiful colours of the Fall, November 2006.
  Ready for yet another shower, april 2005.
Ready for yet another shower, april 2005.
  Even though the 19th-century fortress 'Den Burg' at Vechten would seem the furthest from any Roman associations, there can be no question of denying them. The thick brick and concrete walls were constructed between 1867 and 1870 as part of the so-called Nieuwe Hollandse Waterlinie (The 'New Dutch Water Line') to defend the cities of the western Netherlands from overland attack. However, the spot which was chosen to erect this fortress, happened to be chosen before, for a similar purpose: the Roman Limes.
The Romans, who apparently chose the spot because it controlled a side-arm of the Lower Rhine, built their castellum by the year 4 AD, and possibly named it after that river, Fectio. This fort was quite important from time to time as a supply-base for the invasion of Germany. It attracted the local population as well, which came to settle in the vicus at either end of the fort. The castellum was most likely abandoned by the late 3rd century, when the Roman Empire faced crisis after crisis. However, the main reason that the army never returned may well have been because the access to the fort silted up, which caused it to become land-locked, with all the ensuing logistical problems. The neighboring castellum at Trajectum/Utrecht may have supplanted it as local fort.

Anyway, by the late 19th century the Dutch engineers built their new fortress dead east of the old castellum on top of the vicus, without even knowing it existed.

  A modern milestone of the 'Limes Path' next to the site.
A modern milestone of the 'Limes Path'.
  The tower, nearly finished.
The tower, nearly finished, spring 2004.
  Luckily, when all kinds of ancient artefacts started turning up, one of the oficers had the bright idea to contact the Museum van Oudheden (M. of Antiquities) in Leiden about these strange objects which were dug up by the workers. Because of that action, a great collection of Roman artefacts has been rescued, even though the proper excavation of the castellum nor the vicus ever took place. How could it, the science of archeaeology did not yet exist by then.

Today, the castellum still rests under its orchard, but the society which now runs the fort (as of 1996), has taken the first step to create a link between the two. During the winter, a replica of a Roman watchtower will be constructed of wood, to be opened for the public by may of 2004. With this visual sign, it is hoped that the public will become aware of the Roman past so long hidden beneath their feet. The provincial government has developed plans to make the castellum more visible to the public.

  Meanwhile, the sun did the most stunning exit in the West, leaving the Limes in growing darkness..  
  Filming at the tower   Filming at FECTIO
The tower slowly becomes famous as a Roman landmark, both in The Netherlands as well as abroad!

The tower has been discovered in yet another new role - that of historical background for movies and documentaries, but also for artistic and archaeological projects. (More...)

How to reach te replica of the tower near Fort Vechten:
How to reach te replica of the tower near Fort Vechten. click on the map.


  • Bechert, Tillmann en Willem J.H. Willems (1995): De Romeinse Rijksgrens tussen Moezel en Noordzeekust, (Konrad Theiss Verlag).
  • Dockum, Saskia van (1997): Vechten een Fort naast een Verheven Boomgaard, in: Dockum, S. van en A. Haytsma: Archeologische Monumenten in Nederland, (ROB, Abcoude), pp. 54-5.
  • Es, W.A. van, en Hessing, W.A.M. (1994): Romeinen, Friezen en Franken in het hart van Nederland: van Traiectum tot Dorestad (50 v.Chr.-950 na Chr.), (Utrecht).
  • Hegener, Michiel (2003): Op het Spoor van Romeinen en Bataven, Nederland 2000 jaar geleden, (TELEAC, Kosmos Utrecht).
  • Hessing, Wilfied et al (1997): Romeinen langs de Snelweg: Bouwstenen voor Vechtens Verleden, (ROB, Uniepers Abcoude).
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1996): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1988-1989 (Utrecht), pp. 36-43.
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1997): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1990-1991 (Utrecht), pp. 38-41.
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1998): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1994-1995 (Utrecht), pp. 46-7 and 71-3.
  • Kok, D.H., J.P. ter Brugge, S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1998): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1996-1997 (Utrecht), 46-161.
  • Lendering, Jona (2000): De Randen van de Aarde, de Romeinen tussen Schelde en Eems, (Ambo, Amsterdam).
  • Tent, W.J. van (1988): Archeologische kroniek van de provincie Utrecht over de jaren 1980-1984 (Utrecht).
  • Vechten, Een Romeins fort in de Hollandse Waterlinie, at: http://www.archeologienet.nl/tijds_periode/projectinfo.cfm?projectnummer=61
  Current contents:

Pictures from 2008:
Pictures from 2008
Gallery: 57 pics from

Pictures from 2007:
Pictures from 2007
Gallery: 100 pics from

Pictures from 2006:
Pictures from 2006
Gallery: 38 pics from

Pictures from 2005:
Pictures from 2005
Gallery: 76 pics from

Pictures from 2004:
Pictures from 2004
Gallery: 28 pics from

The grand opening,
The first event during the grand opening.
Gallery: 30 pics of
The first event during the grand opening.

The construction, winter/spring 2004:
The construction of the burgus / watchtower from empty field to full use.
Gallery: 43 pics of
The construction of the turris.

The blessing,
The blessing of the foundations.
Gallery: 20 pics of
The blessing of the foundations.

VortigernStudies is copyright © Robert Vermaat 1999-2012. All rights reserved