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Archeon - Roman Days
Monday 12 August 2002

Again the Roman Week at ARCHEON. Like last year, the guests were the Legio II Augusta , as well as the Colchester Society from the UK. It was good to see a few familiar faces, but some had their day off, unfortunately. As I was actually already on holiday and went back for this, I was limited to the monday. I had my Late Roman kit with me, just for a first outing so to speak, and for a few 'period' pictures in the grounds of the park (which raised a few eyebrows).
The weather was fine, overcast in the morning but a little sun in the afternoon. The pictures are a bit hazy, due to the mishap that I had a 400ASA film, but camera settings at 200ASA. Considering, they're not that bad...

Marching through the camp.
Marching through the camp.
Dark reflections...
Dark reflections...
The 'Spanish' auxilary (of the Vardulli).
The 'Spanish' auxilary (of the Vardulli).
Here comes a nobleman..
Here comes a nobleman..
His Majesty the Emperor is ready to judge events.
His Majesty the Emperor is ready to judge events.
Let's orate...about Greeks, barbarians, etc..
Let's orate...about Greeks, barbarians, etc..
Into the arena.
Into the arena.
Led by our local Centurion..
Led by our local Centurion..
.. Legio II Augusta marches past the expectant crowds..
.. Legio II Augusta marches past the expectant crowds..
..and takes up position.
..and takes up position.
Auxilaries at the back..
Auxilaries at the back..
..while the Legionaries march round a bit.
..while the Legionaries march round a bit.
A neat row of Rome's finest.
A neat row of Rome's finest.
Signifers and auxilaries line up for the official part.
Signifers and auxilaries line up for the official part.
The 'sub' reads the oath..
The 'sub' reads the oath..
..the miles repeats it for the rest of the unit.
..the miles repeats it for the rest of the unit.
Time for some serious sword-practise!
Time for some serious sword-practise!
The public have seen it before and know what's coming..
The public have seen it before and know what's coming..
..well, some of them at least!
..well, some of them at least!
Discussing a good day in the Spanish Cohort..
Discussing a good day in the Spanish Cohort..
.. and in the Legion.
.. and in the Legion.
Splendid-looking officer.
Splendid-looking officer.
..actually, he's a very cheerful guy.
Actually, he's a very cheerful guy..
Led by our local Centurion..
..who can be a good laugh as well. Centurion meets Bucellarius.
Me in my kit in front of the Nehallennia Temple.
Me in my kit in front of the Nehallennia Temple.
4th century guardsman.
4th century guardsman.
Scaring the Iron Age locals!
Scaring the Iron Age locals!
New Archeon wildlife - a peacock!
New Archeon wildlife - a peacock!
Looking great: the Baths.
Looking great: the Baths.
Afternoon, and the troops are at it it again.
Afternoon, and the troops are at it it again.
The final salute to the grateful crowds..
The final salute to the grateful crowds..
..and footprints are all that's left.
..and footprints are all that's left.

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