Fectio, Late Roman re-enactment society

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Vortigern Studies > Fectio > Whatsnew > 2003

..Welcome to Fectio!

  Welcome to Fectio, part of the Vortigern Studies websites. Fectio is a Late Roman re-enactment group, based in The Netherlands and attempting to re-create a soldiers' life in the times of Vortigern. Edited by Robert M. Vermaat.

...........Fectio Index



What was ? in 2003

December 14, 2003
A new page on a past visit, this time to Masada in 1990. New pictures, too, of the ceremony at Fort Vechten. I've written an article for Echoes from the Past, "Who wants to be.. a Late Roman".
New in the Bibliography for December:

  • Barker, Philip A.(1971): Wroxeter, in: Current Archaeology 25, pp. 45-9.*
  • Barker, Philip A.(1979): The Plumbatae from Wroxeter, in: BAR International Series 63, pp. 97-9.*
  • Boon, George C. (1972): The Roman Town Calleva Atrebatum at Silchester Hampshire, a guidebook, (Reading Museum).*
  • Branigan, Keith (1971): Gatcombe, in: Current Archaeology 25, pp. 41-4.*
  • Butler, R. M. (1959): Late Roman Town Walls in Gaul, in: Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute 116, pp. 25-50.*
  • Corder, Philip (1955): The Reorganisation of the Defences of Romano-British Towns in the Fourth Century, in: Journal of the Royal Archaeological Institute 112, pp. 20-42.*
  • De Rebus Bellicis (anon.), text edited by Robert Ireland, in: BAR International Series 63, part 2.
  • Drack, Walter (1980): Die Spätrömische Grenzwehr am Hochrhein, in: Archäologische Führer der Schweiz 13, (Zürich).*
  • Hassall, M.W.C. and Robert I. Ireland (eds.) (1979): Aspects of De Rebus Bellicis, Papers presented to E.A. Thompson, BAR International Series 63 (B.A.R., Oxford).
  • Hawkes, Sonia Chadwick (1982): Anglo-Saxon Kent, c. 425-725', in: CBA Research Report 48 - Archaeology in Kent to AD 1500 edited by Peter Leach, pp. 64-78.* Online at CBA Research Reports: http://ads.ahds.ac.uk/catalogue/library/cba/rrs.cfm
  • Pearson, Andrew (2002): The Roman Shore Forts, Coastal Defences of Southern Britain, (Tempus, Stroud).
  • Philp, Brian (1971): Dover, in: Current Archaeology 25, pp. 52-5.*
  • Sherlock, D.H. (1979): Plumbatae, a note on the method of construction, in: BAR International Series 63, pp. 101-2.*
  • Wild, J.P. (1979): Fourth-century underwear with special reference to the Thoracomachus, in: BAR International Series 63, pp. 101-2.*
  • Yule, B. (1990) : The 'Dark Earth' and Late Roman London, in: Antiquity 244, pp. 620-8.*

November 5, 2003
A new page about our 'home-base-to-be'! Spring of 2004 will see the erection of a replica of a Roman watch tower, which will become the focus of all our activities while not at events elsewhere. Also, a new page on a past visit, this time to Sorviodunum/Old Sarum in 1989. I've added several new images to the 2003 posing page.
New in the Bibliography for November:

  • Barnwell, P.S (1992): Emperor, Prefects and Kings: The Roman West, 395-565, (Duckworth, London).
  • Burns, Thomas S. (1994): Barbarians within the Gates of Rome: a Study of Roman Military Policy and the Barbarians, ca. 375-425 A.D., (Indiana University Press).
  • Connolly, Peter (1981): Greece and Rome at War, (repr. 1998, Greenhill, London).*
  • Johnson, Stephen (1976): The Roman Forts of the Saxon Shore, (Paul Elek, London).
  • McLynn, Neil B. (1994): Ambrose of Milan, Church and Court in a Christian Capital, The Transformation of the Classical Heritage 22, (University of California).
  • Nicasie, Martijn (1997): Twilight of Empire, the Roman Army from the Reign of Diocletian until the Battle of Adrianople, (Thesis Publishers Amsterdam).
  • Vermaat, Robert M. (2003) : Who wants to be.. a Late Roman, in: Echoes from the Past 8, pp. 10-15.* (Now on this site)

October 1, 2003
A new page on a past visit, this time to Sorviodunum/Old Sarum in 1989. Also, I've added several new images to the page of the Late Roman draco.
New in the Bibliography for October:

  • Mauricos: Strategikon, Handbook of Byzantine Military Strategy, trans. by George T. Dennis, (Philadelphia 1984).*
  • Vegetius: Epitome of Military Science, trans. N.P. Milner, translated texts for historians vol. 16. (Liverpool 2001).*

September 9, 2003
I've added a new page with several images of a Late Roman draco.
New in the Bibliography for September:

  • Connolly, Peter (1988): The Infantryman, (Oxford University Press).*
  • Connolly, Peter (1988): The Cavalryman, (Oxford University Press).*
  • Connolly, Peter (1991): The Roman Fort, (Oxford University Press).*

August 23, 2003
I did my best to hurry with it, and here's the new page on our visit to ARCHEON and the Roman Days 2003, with 27 pictures.

August 14, 2003
I've finally been able to determine the exact spot of my first experience with Roman ruins on the Limes, thanks to my brother's sharp memory. Also added a few pictures of me posing my new gear, and of some odd pics of recruits :-).
New in the Bibliography for August:

  • Stuart, P. (2003): Nehalennia, Documenten in Steen, (De Koperen Tuin, Goes).*
  • Tent, W.J. van (1988): Archeologische kroniek van de provincie Utrecht over de jaren 1980-1984 (Utrecht).*
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1996): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1988-1989 (Utrecht), pp. 36-43.*
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1997): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1990-1991 (Utrecht), pp. 38-41.*
  • Kok, D.H., S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1998): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1994-1995 (Utrecht), pp. 46-7 and 71-3.*
  • Kok, D.H., J.P. ter Brugge, S.G. van Dockum en F. Vogelzang, red. (1998): Archeologische Kroniek Provincie Utrecht 1996-1997 (Utrecht), 46-161.*

July 1, 2003
Added a few pictures to the visit of the Roman Ship.
New in the Bibliography for July:

  • Rankov, Boris and Richard Hook (ill.) (1994): The Pretorian Guard, Osprey Elite 50, (Osprey, London).*
  • Sekunda, Nick and Angus Mc Bride (ill.) (1995): Early Roman Armies, Osprey Men-at-Arms 283, (Osprey, London).*
  • Sekunda, Nick and Angus Mc Bride (ill.) (1996): Republican Roman Army 200 - 104 BC, Osprey Men-at-Arms 291, (Osprey, London).*
  • Simkins, Michael and Richard Hook (ill.) (1984): The Roman Army from Ceasar to Trajan, Osprey Men-at-Arms 46, (Osprey, London, repr. 1992).*
  • Treviño, Rafael and Angus Mc Bride (ill.) (1986): Romes Enemies (4): Spanish Armies 218 BC - 19 BC, Osprey Men-at-Arms 180, (Osprey, London).*
  • Wilcox, Peter and Angus Mc Bride (ill.) (1985): Romes Enemies (2): Gallic and British Celts, Osprey Men-at-Arms 158, (Osprey, London).*
  • Wilcox, Peter and Angus Mc Bride (ill.) (1986): Romes Enemies (3): Parthians and Sassanis Persians, Osprey Men-at-Arms 175, (Osprey, London).*
  • Wise, Terence, and Richard Hook (ill.) (1982): Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265 - 146 BC, Osprey Men-at-Arms 121, (Osprey, London).*

June 16, 2003
Added our visit to the Roman show at Kalkriese, with 30-odd pictures of the event and the storm on sunday!

June 1, 2003
Added a few travels, three of them from back in 1983 to Austria (Aguntum & Lavant) and Italy (Sebatum), one with the family to the recently found Roman Ship near Leidse Rijn/Utrecht, The Netherlands.
New in the Bibliography for June:

  • Karwiese, Stefan (1975): Der Ager Aguntinus, eine Bezirksurkunde des Ältesten Osttirol, (Curatorium pro Agunto). *
  • Whittaker, C.R. (1994): Frontiers of the Roman Empire. A Social and Economic Study, (Johns Hoskins University Prtess).

May 12, 2003
Our first group outing, at the invitation of CORBVLO, was to the Bijbels Openluvht Museum near Nijmegen, The Netherlands. With 7 pictures.
New in the Bibliography for May:

  • Bechert, Tillmann en Willem J.H. Willems (1995): De Romeinse Rijksgrens tussen Moezel en Noordzeekust, (Konrad Theiss Verlag).*
  • Hegener, Michiel (2003): Op het Spoor van Romeinen en Bataven, Nederland 2000 jaar geleden, (TELEAC, Kosmos Utrecht).*
  • Hessing, Wilfied et al (1997): Romeinen langs de Snelweg: Bouwstenen voor Vechtens Verleden, (ROB, Uniepers Abcoude).*

April 19, 2003
A few
new pictures for the scutum article.

April 9, 2003
In preparation for the launch of my translation of
The End of Roman Rule in Britain, a study about possible federates or regular Roman military in Britain after 410 AD, by Horst Wolfgang Böhme, I've uploaded the find-lists and the images.
New in the Bibliography for April:

  • Southern, Pat and Karen Dixon (1996): The Late Roman Army, (Routledge). *
  • Whitby, Michael (2002): Rome at War AD 293-696, Osprey Essential Histories 21.*

March 1, 2003
New in the Bibliography for March:

  • Nauerth, Claudia (1989): Die koptischen Textilien der Sammlung Wilhelm Rautenstrauch im Städtischen Museum Simeonstift Trier, (Catalog, Trier).

January 1, 2003
A new year, a new month and many new pages. First of course this 'What's New' page, with all the additions neatly recorded for the visitor. The site has now been reorganised into three main sections, one dealing with the group, one with all the Roman sites I've visited and one showing picture-rich reports of the Roman shows I've been able to visit. I've added an artilcle on how to make a flat oval scutum. There's pictures from my visits to the Limes in Germany when I was a child in 1973, Marcus Junkelmann in Utrecht in 1990 and more recent visits to the refugium on the Wittnauer Horn and the marching camp near Ermelo.
Apart from this I added a
Sitemap. New additions also include a lost picture from the 1997 Roman days at Odijk, and another shot of the kit in july last year.

Also, I moved the re-enactment links to this site from the main Vortigern Studies site, but changed them to a bit more Roman flavour.
New in the Bibliography for January:

  • ROB (2002): Houten, het Kasteel, de Put en het Paard, Op zoek naar de geschiedenis in het landschap, Archeologische Routes in Nederland 37.
  • Burns, Thomas S. and Berhard H. Overbeck (eds.) (1987): Rome and the Germans as seen in Coinage, Catalog for the exhibition, (Emory University, Atlanta).

VortigernStudies is copyright © Robert Vermaat 1999-2003. All rights reserved