Fectio, Late Roman re-enactment society

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Vortigern Studies > Fectio > Whatsnew > 2006

..Welcome to Fectio!

  Welcome to Fectio, part of the Vortigern Studies websites. Fectio is a Late Roman re-enactment group, based in The Netherlands and attempting to re-create a soldiers' life in the times of Vortigern. Edited by Robert M. Vermaat.

...........Fectio Index



What's ? in 2006

December 10, 2006
New pictures from my son's Late Roman birthday party at the tower, and some beautiful shots from a very nice day in November.
New in the Bibliography for December:

  • Lendering, Jona (2006): Oorlogsmist, veldslagen en Propaganda uit de Oudheid, (Athenaeum-Polak & van Gennep).*
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (1993): Methodological Limits and the Mirage of Roman Strategy: Part I, in: The Journal of Military History 57 part 1 (Jan. 1993), pp. 7-41.*
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (1993): Methodological Limits and the Mirage of Roman Strategy: Part II, in: The Journal of Military History 57 part 2 (Apr. 1993), pp. 215-40.*

November 19, 2006
New pictures from our event during the Open days at the tower in September. More pictures from our last regular guard duties on the tower, as well as some of Corbvlo and legio X Gemina. Also more panoramas and seasonal pictures of the tower. The last events have also been added: the opening of a monument in Houten, our regular visit to the Dorestad Museum and a double school visit!
New in the Bibliography for November:

  • Brown, Peter (2002): The World of Late Antiquity AD 150-750, (Thames & Hudson, 1971).*
  • Cameron, Averil (ed.) (2006): The Cambridge Ancient History, Volume 13, The Late Empire, AD 337–425, (Cambridge University Press).*
  • Kulikowski, Michael (2007): Rome's Gothic Wars, (Cambridge University Press).*
  • Ward-Perkins, Brian (2005): The Fall of Rome and the End of Civilization, (Oxford University Press).*
  • Williams, Stephen and Gerard Friell (1998): Theodosius, the Empire at Bay, (Routledge 1994).*

October 1, 2006
Finally new pictures from our big Late Roman event at Archeon!
New in the Bibliography for October:

  • Bayard, Didier (1993): La fin de la domination romaine dans le nord de la Gaule: l'apport de la sigillée d'Argonne, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 223-40.*
  • Brulet, Raymond (1993): Les dispotifs militaires du Bas-Empire en Gaule septentrionale, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 135-48.*
  • Dagron, Gilbert (1993): Modèles de combattants et technologie militaire dans le Stratègikon de Maurice, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 279-84.*
  • Durliat, Jean (1993): Armée et société vers 600. Le problème des soldes, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 31-8.*
  • Gomolka-Fuchs, Gudrun (1993): Ostgermanische Foederaten im spätrömischen Heer. Hinweise in der materiellen Kultur auf die ethnische Zusammensetzung der Bevölkerung vom 4.-6. Jahrhundert in Nordbulgarien, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 355-65.*
  • Haldon, John (1993): Administrative Continuities and Structural Transformations in East Roman Military Organisation ca. 580-640, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 45-53.*
  • Härke, Heinrich (1993): Tombes à armes anglo-saxones: sépultures des guerriers ou symbolisme rituel?, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 425-36.*
  • Jacques, Alain (1993): La présence militaire à Arras au Bas-Empire, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 195-207.*
  • Kazanski, Michel (1993): Les Barbares orientaux et la défense de la Gaule aux IVe-Ve siècles, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 175-86.*
  • Kokowski, Andrzej (1993): L'art militaire des Goths à l'epoque romaine tardive (d'apres les données archéologiques), in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 335-54.*
  • Kolias, Taxiarchis G. (1993): Tradition und Erneuerung im Frühbyzantinischen Reich am Beispiel der militärischen Sprache und Terminologie, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 39-44.*
  • Leriche, Pierre (1993): Techniques de guerre sassanides et romaines à Doura-Europos, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 83-100.*
  • Martin, Max (1993): Observations sur l'armement de l'époque mérovingienne précoce, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 395-409.*
  • Martin-Kilcher, Stéfanie (1993): A propos de la tombe d'un officier de Cologne (Severinstor) et de quelques tombes à armes vers 300, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 299-312.*
  • Napoli, Joëlle (1993): Ultimes fortifications du limes, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 67-76.*
  • Périn, Patrick (1993): L'armée de Vidimer et la question des dépôts funéraires chez les Wisigoths en Gaule et en Espagne (Ve-VIe siècles), in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 411-23.*
  • Pilet, Christian, Luc Buchet, Jacqueline Pilet-Lemière (1993): L'apport de l'archéologie funéraire à l'étude de la présence militaire sur le limes saxon, le long des côtes de l'actuelle Basse-Normandie, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 157-173.*
  • Rebuffat, René (1993): Les grandes tributs des confins africains: insurrections et alliances, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 77-81.*
  • Scukin, Mark B. (1993): A propos des contacts militaires entre les Sarmates et les Germains à l'époque romaine (d'après l'armement et spécialement les umbo de boucliers et les lances), in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 323-33.*
  • Seillier, Claude (1993): Les Germains dans l'armée romaine tardive en Gaule septentrionale. Le témoignage de l'archéologie, in: Vallet et Kazanski, L'Armee Romaine, pp. 187-94.*

September 1, 2006
Oops, I did neglect the website and the news section a bit! Well, there have been developments.. Unfortunately I had a pc crash in early August, leading to a lot of trouble. But we're back online! New pictures from our second event at the tower, our first regular watch duty on a rainy day.
New in the Bibliography for August and September:

  • Vickers, Michael (1974): The Late Roman walls of Thessalonica, in: E. Birley, B. Dobson and M. Jarrett (eds.), Roman Frontier Studies 1969, Eighth International Congress of Limesforschung (Cardiff), pp. 249-255.
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (1978): The Occasion of Arrian's Tactica, in: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 19:4, pp. 351–65.*

July 7, 2006
New pictures from our event in Eindhoven, at the Open Air Museum, with Legio X Gemina and Corbvlo!
New in the Bibliography for July:

  • Aurrecoechea Fernandez, Joaquín and B. Ager (1999): Late Roman iconographic representations on Hispano-Roman bridle cheek-pieces, in: Bonner Jahrbücher 200, pp 275-92.*
  • Hassall, Mark (1976): Britain in the Notitia, in: Goodburn and Bartholomew 1976, Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Int. Ser., vol. 15, Oxford, pp. 103-17.*
  • Johnson, Stephen (1976b): Channel Commands in the Notitia, in: Goodburn and Bartholomew 1976, Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Int. Ser., vol. 15, Oxford, pp. 81-102.*
  • Mann, J.C. (1976): What was the Notitia Dignitatum for?, in: Goodburn and Bartholomew 1976, Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Int. Ser., vol. 15, Oxford, pp. 1-9.*
  • Roxan, Margaret M. (1976): Pre-Severan Auxilia named in the Notitia Dignitatum, in: Goodburn and Bartholomew 1976, Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Int. Ser., vol. 15, Oxford, pp. 59-79.*
  • Wild, John Peter (1976): The Gynaecea, in: Goodburn and Bartholomew 1976, Aspects of the Notitia Dignitatum, BAR Int. Ser., vol. 15, Oxford, pp. 51-8.*

June 24, 2006
New pictures from our first event at the tower, where we were joined by the Minervii from Germany!
New in the Bibliography for May/June:

  • Bishop M.C. & J.C.N. Coulston (2006): Roman Military Equipment from the Punic Wars to the Fall of Rome, Second Edition, (Oxbow).*
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1959): The Finances of Antioch in the Fourth Century AD, in: Byzantinische Zeitschrift 52, pp. 344-56.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1961): Money Economy and Taxation in Kind in Syria in the Fourth century AD, in: Rheinisches Museum für Philologie, N.F. 104, (Frankfurt a. Main), pp. 242-56
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1967): Pelagian evidence on the last period of Roman Britain, in: Latomus 26, pp. 436-47.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1977): The Defenses of Syria in the Sixth Century, in: Studien zur Militärgrenzen Roms II: Vorträge des 10. internationalen Limeskongresses in der Germania Inferior, (Cologne): pp. 487-99.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1985): Synesius and Municipal Politics of Cyrenaicain the fourth Century AD, in: Byzantion 55, pp. 146-64.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1986): Generals, Federates and Buccellarii in Roman Armies around AD 400), in: Philip Freeman and David Kennedy (eds.): The Defence of the Roman and Byzantine East: Proceedings of a Colloquium held at the University of Sheffield in April 1986, (BAR International Series 297), (Oxford), vol. 2: pp. 463-74.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1987): Government and Administration in the Late Empire (to AD 476), in: J. Wacher (ed.): The Roman world, 2 vols., (London). vol. 1: pp. 455-69.
  • Liebeschütz, J.H.W.G. (1988): Antioch and the Villages of Northern Syria in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries AD, in collaboration with Hugh Kennedy, in: Notingham Medieval Studies 33, pp. 65-90.
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (1979): The Legion as Phalanx, in: Chiron 9, pp. 303–318.*

April 23, 2006
New pictures from our first event of the year in Meijel (late March), where we accompanied our good friend Aitor Iriarte. New pictures from the tower in the spring, here and here.
New in the Bibliography for April:

  • Arts, Nico (2006): De archeologische betekenis van natte plaatsen op de Zuid-Nederlandse zandgronden, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 70-78.*
  • Bédoyère, Guy de la (1998): Hadrian's Wall: History and Guide, (Tempus History & Archaeology S.).*
  • Bédoyère, Guy de la (2003): Roman Towns in Britain, (Tempus).*
  • Charles, Michael B. (2004): Mattiobarbuli in Vegetius' Epitoma Rei Militaris: The Iouiani and the Herculiani, in: Ancient History Bulletin 18.3-4, pp. 109-121.*
  • Crompvoets, Herman J.G. (2006): De roep van de Romein, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 115-34.*
  • Dolmans, Maarten Th.R.M. (2006): 'De man van Deurne'in historisch en archeologisch perspectief: een poging tot reconstructie, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 91-114.*
  • Driel-Murray, Carol van (2006): Een spookrijder in het veen: de reconstructie van een depotvondst, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 33-51.*
  • Iriarte, Aitor (2006): De reconstructie van de militaire uitrusting, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 79-90.*
  • Joosten, Hans, Pim de Klerk, Klemens Karlow en Anja Prager (2006): De natuurlijke context van de vindplaats, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 52-69.*
  • Pouls, Jos H. (2006): De vondst, de vinder en de mogelijke toedracht, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 7-32.*
  • Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets (eds.) (2006): De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, Congres over de Gouden Helm uit de Peel op 25 maart 2006.*
  • Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets (2006): Popularisering en beeldvorming rond Gebbel en zijn Gouden Helm, in: Pouls, Jos H. en Herman J.G. Crompvoets eds.: De Gouden Helm uit de Peel, pp. 135-8.*
  • Stephenson, Ian P. (2006): Romano-Byzantine Infantry Equipment, (Tempus).*

March 6, 2006
New pictures from the tower in the snow, here and here.
New in the Bibliography for March:

  • Demandt, Alexander (1989): Die Spätantike. Römische Geschichte von Diocletian bis Justinian 284 – 565 n. Chr., handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft III.6, (München).
  • Farrokh, Kaveh and Angus McBride (ill.) (2005): Sassanian Elite Cavalry AD 224-642, Elite 110, (Osprey, London).*
  • Hollenback, George M. (2005): A new reconstruction of the kestros or cestrosphendone, in: Arms & Armour 2.1, pp. 79-86.*
  • Prins, Jelle (2000): The 'fortune' of a late Roman officer, a hoard from the Meuse valley (Netherlands) with helmet and gold coins, in: Bonner Jahrbücher 200, pp. 309-28.*
  • Rance, Philip (2005): Narses and the Battle of Taginae (Busta Gallorum) 552: Procopius and sixth-century Warfare, in: Historia 54/4, pp. 424-72.*
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (1997): Why the Romans can´t defeat the Parthians: Julius Africanus and the Strategy of Magic, in: Roman Frontier Studies 1997, pp. 575-9.*
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (2004): The Legion as Phalanx in the Late Empire (I), in: L'Armée romaine de Dioclétian à Valentinian Ier, Actes de IIIe congrès de Lyon sur l'armée romaine, ed. Y. Le Bohec and C. Wolff (Paris), pp. 309-58.*
  • Wheeler, Everett L. (2004): The Legion as Phalanx in the Late Empire (II), in: Revue des Études Militaires Anciennes 1, pp. 147-75.*
  • Wynn, Philip (1997): Frigeridus, the British Tyrants, and the early fifth Century Barbarian Invaders of Gaul and Spain, in: Athenaeum 85, pp. 69-75.*

February 5, 2006
A new year, a good start - Vortigern Studies has been awarded the "FORVM Award For Medieval Studies".
New in the Bibliography for January/February:

  • No new items.

Everything that went before can be seen at the '2003', the 2004' and the 2005' pages!

VortigernStudies is copyright © Robert Vermaat 1999-2006. All rights reserved