Fectio, Late Roman re-enactment society

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Vortigern Studies > Fectio > Whatsnew > 2005

..Welcome to Fectio!

  Welcome to Fectio, part of the Vortigern Studies websites. Fectio is a Late Roman re-enactment group, based in The Netherlands and attempting to re-create a soldiers' life in the times of Vortigern. Edited by Robert M. Vermaat.

...........Fectio Index



What's ? in 2005

December 10, 2005
New in the Bibliography for December:

  • Ammianus Marcellinus: With an English translation, ed. and trans. J.C. Rolfe, 3 vols., (Loeb Classical Library, London/Cambridge 1935, repr. 1971-2).
  • Bitter, N. (1976): Kampfschilderungen bei Ammianus Marcellinus, (Bonn).
  • Crump, G.A. (1975): Ammianus Marcellinus as a Military Historian, (Wiesbaden).
  • Demandt, Alexander (1998): Geschichte der Spätantike. Das Römische Reich von Diocletian bis Justinian 284 – 565 n. Chr., (München).*

November 12, 2005
We had two more sundays of guard duty at the tower. Lastly, to finish the season we had a great day at Museum Dorestad with some other Roman groups.
New in the Bibliography for October and November:

  • Christodoulou, D.N. (2005): Military equipment from the site of the Emperor Galerius' palace in Gamzigrad/Serbia, in: Journal of Roman Military Equipment Studies 12/13, pp. 29-34.*
  • Rance, Philip (2000): Simulacra Pugnae, The Literary and Historical Tradition of Mock Battles in the Roman and Early Byzantine Army’, in: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 40.3, pp. 223-75.*
  • Rance, Philip (2001): Attacotti, Déisi and Magnus Maximus: the Case for Irish Federates in Late Roman Britain, in: Britannia 32, pp. 243-70. *
  • Rance, Philip (2003): Elephants in Warfare in Late Antiquity, in: Acta Ant. Hung. 43, pp. 355-84.*
  • Rance, Philip (2004): Drungus, ????GG?S, and ????GG?S??, a Gallicism and Continuity in Late Roman Cavalry Tactics, in: Phoenix 58, pp. 96-130.*
  • Speidel, Michael A. (2000): Militia. Zur Sprachgebrauch und Militarisierung in der kaiserzeitlichen Verwaltung, at: http://www.mavors.org/PDFs/Militia.pdf.*
  • Speidel, Michael A. (2004): Die Thebäische Legion und das spätrömische Heer, at: http://www.mavors.org/PDFs/ThebaeischeLegion.pdf.*
  • Speidel, Michael A. (2004): Heer und Strassen - Militares viae, at: http://www.mavors.org/PDFs/ViaMilitaris.pdf.*
  • Vermaat, Robert M. (2005) : La Plumbata: nouvelle arme de l'Antiquité tardive, in: L'Archéologue 80, pp. 42-4.* books in french

September 21, 2005
After a long time of hibernation, I re-activated the Polls!

September 16, 2005
It seems that updates are now coming at mid-month instead of at the beginning.. OK, we went back to the Roman Days at Archeon, for a fourth time! We were at the tower with Legio X Gemina on 10 and 11/09 for the Open Monuments Weekend. Also, some new pictures of a very pleasant guard duty at the tower, where we entertained some guests on 21/08.
New in the Bibliography for September:

  • Janniard, Sylvian (2003): Armati, scutati et la catégorisation des troupes dans l’antiquité tardive, in: L' armée romaine de Dioclétien à Valentinien Ier. Actes du congrès de Lyon (12 - 14 septembre 2002) rassemblés et édités, eds. Yann Le Bohec and Catherine Wolff, Lyon, Paris 2003, Centre d'Etudes Romaines et Gallo-Romaines 26, pp. 389-395.*
  • Radman-Livaja, I. (2005): Militaria Sisciensia. nalazi rimske vojne opreme iz Siska u fundusu Arheoloskoga muzeja u Zagrebu, in: Musei Archaeologici Zagrabiensis Catalogi et Monographiae vol.1, (Zagreb), p. 127 and 157-8.*
  • Rance, Philip (2004): The Fulcum, the Late Roman and Byzantine Testudo: the Germanization of Roman Infantry Tactics?, in: Greek, Roman and Byzantine Studies 44.3, pp. 265-326, at: http://www.duke.edu/web/classics/grbs/FTexts/44/Rance2.pdf. *
  • Rigsby, K.J. (1999): Two Danubian Epitaphs, in: Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 126, pp. 175-6.*

August 12, 2005
Well, holidays meant that the update is late again, but then a lot has happened. We had a GREAT Late Roman event at Archeon, of which I'll add a load of pictures over the coming weeks. Of course, this event, together with the Herculiani, Foederati, Teuxandrii, Dun Gwalch, Minervii, Batavi, Legio I Germanica and Litus Saxonicum, is the major event of our group so far, and therefore the report will be much larger than any other of our show reports. Also, some new pictures of a less exiting but not less pleasant guard duty at the tower.
New in the Bibliography for August:

  • Berger, Ludwig und Werner Brogli (1980): Wittnauer Horn und Umgebung, in: Archäologische Führer der Schweiz 12, (Zürich).*
  • Bult, Epko J. en Daan P. Hallewas (1986): Graven bij Valkenburg I, het archeologisch onderzoek in 1985, (Stichting Onderzoek Romeinse Bewoning Valkenburg Z.H).*
  • Johnson, Stephen (1977): Roman Fortifications on the 'Saxon Shore', (Department of the Environment, London).*
  • Kuhnen, Hans-Peter, hrsg. (2001): Das römische Trier, Führer zu archäologischen Denkmälern in Deutschland 40, (Theiss).*
  • Laur-Belart, R. (1963): Der römische Silberschatz von Kaiseraugst/Aargau. Katalog.*
  • National Trust (1980): Archaeology in the National Trust - Somerset - Brent Knoll, (King's Lynn, Norfolk, NFK, United Kingdom).*
  • Nuber, Hans Ulrich und Michel Reddé (2002): Das römische Oedenburg (Biesheim/Kunheim, Haut-Rhin, France). Frühe Militärlager, Straßensiedlung und valentinianische Festung, in: Germania 80, pp. 169-243.*
  • Stiglitz, Herma und Erna Schneider (1991): Führer durch das römische Mautern an der Donau, (Mautern).*
  • Sumner, Graham and Raffaele D'Amato (2005): Roman Military Clothing 3: AD 400 - 640, Osprey Men-at-Arms 425, (Osprey, Oxford).*

July 9, 2005
I missed updating the site last month, but plenty of pages were added nonetheless. A few new pictures from the tower of course, as alwyas. But also several new events: On June 5th we had a very short-notice appearance in the Army Museum, Delft. On June 19th we went back to the tower on guard duty, the next day I went back to school, while on July 3rd we had our first big event at Nijmegen. But inbetween, there was a visit of the Time Team to The Netherlands. They filmed a dig of a Roman ship at Leidsche Rijn, and for that show they shot some intros at the tower! That was the second time this year, I've also added an artcle of filming at the tower by Phalera Productions in February.
New in the Bibliography for June-July:

  • Brulet, Raymond (1990): La Gaule septentrionale au Bas-Empire, Rheinischen Landesmuseum trier.*
  • Enckevort, Harry van en Katja Zee (1996): Het Kops plateau, Prehistorische grafheuvels en een Romeinse legerplaats in Nijmegen, (Uniepers, Abcoude).*
  • Enckevort, Harry van, Jankees Haalebos en Jan Thijssen (2000): Nijmegen, Legerplaats en stad in het achterland van de Romeinse Limes, (Uniepers, Abcoude).*
  • Enckevort, Harry van, en Jan Thijssen (ed.) (2002): Cuijk, een regionaal centrum in de Romeinse tijd, (Matrijs, Utrecht).*
  • Es, W.A. van (1991): Van Maastricht naar Rhenen, een wandeling in de Laat-Romeinse tijd, Dertiende Kroon-voordracht, (Amsterdam).*
  • Gallien in der Spätantike, von Kaiser Constantin zu Frankenkönig Childerich, catalogue, (Mainz 1980).*
  • Haalebos, Jankees (1991a): Van Nijmegen naar Utrecht, de Limes in Nederland, in: Jaarboek Oud-Utrecht 1997, pp. 35-65.*
  • Haalebos, Jankees (1991b): Een Romeins graanschip in Woerden, in: Jaarboek Oud-Utrecht 1997, pp. 67-95.*
  • Hazenberg Archeologie Leiden (2004): Woerden, Romeinen, het fort en een schip, Leiden.*
  • Mertens, J. (1987): Oudenburg, romeinse legerbasis aan de Noordzeekust, Nationale Dienst voor Opgravingen, (Brussel).*
  • Montforts, M.J.G.Th. (1991): De topografie van Utrecht in de Romeinse tijd, in: Jaarboek Oud-Utrecht 1991, pp. 7-38.*
  • Montforts, M.J.G.Th. (1995): Romeins Utrecht, Historische Reeks Utrecht 20.*

May 5, 2005
A few new pictures from the tower. Spring has set in and the flowers are erupting all over the place! On May 1st we finally had our first event of the season, with the opening of the touristic season at Fort Vechten.
New in the Bibliography for May:

  • Colenbrander, Bernard (ed.) (2005): Limes Atlas, (Uitgeverij 010, Rotterdam).*
  • Kocsis, László (2003): A new Late Roman helmet from Hetény in the Hungarian National Museum, in: Libelli archaeologici. Ser. nov. no. 1, pp. 521-552.*
  • Kocsis, László (2000): Helme vom Typ "Intercisa" in Pannonien, in: Visy, Zsolt (ed.) (2000): Von Augustus bis Attila, leben am Ungarnischen Donaulimes, (Limesmuseum Aalen), pp. 37-40.*
  • Willemsen, Annemarieke (2003): Romeins Speelgoed, Kindertijd in een Wereldrijk, (Walburg Pers, Zutphen).*

April 8, 2005
A few new pictures from the tower.
New in the Bibliography for April:

  • No new items.

March 6, 2005
A lot of new pictures from the tower. I've rearranged most pictures from last year into new albums. A new article about making a draco - this one is from Peter Taylor and decribes the research into the dragon noise.
New in the Bibliography for March:

  • Gomolka, Gudrun (1969): Zur Siedlungsgeschichte am spätrömischen Limes in Moesia Inferior, in: Roman Frontier Studies 8, pp. 212-25.*
  • Soproni, Sándor (1969): Eine Spätrömische Militärstation im sarmatischen Gebiet, in: Roman Frontier Studies 8, pp. 197-203.*

February 6, 2005
Warning: you may be missing some files. I've set up a new directory: Articles. The reason for this is that due to the growing number of articles on the site which until now had been grouped with the 'group' section, I needed a better spot to display them properly. They deserved their own special section and have now been moved. Two new articles about making a draco. After giving some advice about the construction of a draco, the Time Team allowed me to use the material about the end result on this website. Also, two new reports of my visits to Tabgha and the springs of Banyas, once the site of Caesarea Philippi. These conclude my visits to Roman sites in Israel.
New in the Bibliography for February:

  • No new items.

January 21, 2005
A new year, a new month and many new pages planned. I've added 4 pictures of the current situation of the Roman tower at Fort Vechten.
New in the Bibliography for January:

  • Sim, David Peter (1997): Roman Chain-Mail: Experiments to reproduce the Techniques of Manufacture, in: Britannia 28, pp. 359-71.
  • Wild, John Peter (1981): A find of Roman Scal Armour from Carpow, in: Britannia 12, pp. 305-6.

Everything that went before can be seen at the '2003' and the 2004' pages!

VortigernStudies is copyright © Robert Vermaat 1999-2005. All rights reserved